Meet Daniel, age 8. Daniel came to us in tattered clothing, three days since his last meal, and burnt over 45% of this body by a fire that had decimated his entire village.

Daniel’s spent most of his life being neglected and fending for himself. This long-term reality helps explain his confusion, defensiveness, and tentative reactions at the very idea that someone would be caring for any of his needs.

Over a six-month period we’ve been working with Daniel to gain his trust, ease his pain, and provide the attention he so desperately needs. We’ve taught him to sleep in a bed without falling out, and to actually rest at night without nightmares and fear of attack.

Most importantly, Daniel has learned to smile. He’s come to recognize that we’re there to help him and others like him. He sees our efforts to improve the community by collecting clean water, growing food, and providing educational opportunities.

With over 6 million orphans just in South Africa and a war-ravaged countryside, there are many Daniels…too many for us to help by ourselves.

But YOU can make a difference RIGHT NOW!

Rotary International’s African Orphan Relief programs have already proven we can improve the lives of these children, one at a time. With your help we can save many more of them.

It costs just $100 to give back life to a child like Daniel.

Won’t you please save one child today?